Asprin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, etc, Ammonia Inhalents, Activated Charcoal, Glutose, Ointments
Asprin 325 mg. - |
Asprin 325 mg 100 bx (50 pk) |
Asprin 325 mg 250 bx (125 pk) |
Back Relief - Backache, muscle ache, arthritis. Acetaminophen 200 mg., Magnesium Salicyate 200mg. |
Betadine Ointment - Providone Iodine Ointment |
Diamode - Compares to Imodium AD |
Diamode (Anti-Diarrheal) 24/bx |
Diotame, 100/bx - Compare to Pepto Bismol |
Diotame Tablets, 100/bx (50 pk) |
Electrolyte Tablets CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE - For fatigue and cramps due to excessive perspiration. Calcium 10.8 mg, Magnesium 12 mg, Potassium 40mg |
Electrolyte Tablets 100 bx (50 pk) |
Electrolyte Tablets 250 bx (125 pk) |
EXAPRIN (PAIN STOPPER) - Extra strength pain reliever. Aspirin 500 mg. and Caffeine 32.5 mg. |
Exaprin- AC (80ct) |
Exaprin-AC (200ct) |
Ex-Strength Non-Aspirin (acetaminophen) - Pain reliever, headaches, muscular aches, cramps and fever. 500 mg. |
Ex-Strength Non-Aspirin (acetaminophen) 100 bx (50 pk) |
Ex-Strength Non-Aspirin (acetaminophen) 250 bx (125 pk) |
Fem-prin - Menstrual cramps, headache, minor aches and pains. Acetaminophen 500mg, Pamabrom 25mg, Pyrilamine Maleate 15mg |
FEM-PRIN 100 bx (40 pk) |
Glutose - Sugar treatment for insulin reactions. |
Glucose Transcend Squeeze Pouch, Oral, 15g gel |
Histaprin - Compares to Benadryl |
Histaprin (Antihistamine) 50/bx |
Hydrocortisone Ointment - Used for rashes and itching. |
Hydrocortisone 1/32 oz, 144/bx |
Hydrocortisone 1 oz tube, 1% |
Hydrocortisone 1%, .9 gr, 25/bx |
Ibuprofen - Ibuprofen 200mg |
Ibuprofen 100 bx (50 pk) |
Ibuprofen 250 bx (125 pk) |
Indigestions Relief (antacid) - For heartburn, sour stomach, and acid indigestion. Calcium Carbonate 420 mg. |
Nutralox (antacid) 100 bx (50 pk) |
Nutralox (antacid) 250 bx (125 pk) |
Non-Aspirin (acetaminophen) - Pain reliever, headaches, muscular aches, cramps and fever, 325 mg. |
Cetafen(acetaminophen) 100 bx (50 pk) |
Cetafen(acetaminophen) 250 bx (125 pk) |
Sinus Decongestant - For relief of nasal and sinus congestion. Will not cause drowsiness. |
Cetafen Cough & Cold 80ct |
Cetafen Cough & Cold 250ct Currently on backorder |
Sudo-Tab PE, 100/bx (50 pk) |
Sudo-Tab PE, 250/bx (125 pk) |
Sprays - |
First Aid Spray 2 oz Pump |
Burn Spray 2 oz Pump |
Cold Spray 4 oz |
Blood Clot Spray, 3oz |
Spray Bandage 3 oz |
Sting Kill Swabs - Used for insect bites and bee stings. |
Sting Kill Wipes |
Sooth-A-Sting Swabs, 10/bx |
Throat Lozenges - Minor sore throat pain. Menthol 9mg. |
Throat Lozenges 125 bx |
Triple Antibiotic Ointment - |
Bacitracin Ointment, .9 gr, 144/bx |
Bacitracin Ointment, 1 oz Tube |
Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gr., 144/bx |
Triple Antibiotic Ointment 1 oz Tube |
Triple Antibiotic Ointment, .5 gr, 25/bx |